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Welcome to PCM
New Members
Considering making PCM your home?
Here's what to expect.
If you are considering joining an organization of any kind, it is important to know to what it is you are linking up. Something as important as your church would demand no less a careful consideration. These three classes that we ask you to attend will help you to know us better and for Pastor to get to know you as well. They will also explain what we have come to understand about church membership. Hopefully, you will feel great confidence in your decision to be a part of PHILADELPHIA CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES (PCM).
Classes Include:
I'm Saved Now What
Doctrinal Issues
Church Etiquette
The Gifts
Leader Class (optional for lay members– Required for Leadership Positions)

I'm Saved Now What
In this class, the Membership Team Member will take you through our Orientation Manual. The Manual will introduce you to the PCM staff, ministries and other activities. The Manual will give you an overview of the Ministry organization and the Basic Beliefs of the Ministry. At this time you will have a personal message from our Bishop and Co-Pastor either in person or via DVD. If you have any questions regarding the information in the manual, the membership team can address them. This class will also address the basic issues of what to expect now that you are saved and have become a church member.

In this class, the Membership Team Member will discuss what it means to be a member of the church. It will discuss both the privileges and responsibilities of Membership. In this class, the Membership Team will discuss the avenues available to church members for Bible Study, children’s church, and Christian Counseling. The team will also discuss church attendance, participation in church activities, and other duties and responsibilities.

Doctrinal Issues
In this class, the Membership Team will discuss the basic fundamental doctrinal truths of the Bible. You will receive explanations regarding Salvation, Faith, Water Baptism, and Baptism in the Holy Ghost. It will also discuss the Trinity and the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion. This class will help you become familiar with the tenets of the Christian Faith.

Church Etiquette
This class will familiarize with the structure and processes of PCM. Although we do not attempt to program the Holy Spirit, we do believe in Order and following proper protocol during services. This class will teach you about what happens during Praise and Worship, the Laying on of Hands, and proper conduct during services. i.e. Conduct during Prayer or Scripture Reading.

This class will build upon the principles you learned in your Membership class. It will outline your responsibilities to give your time, talent, and treasure to the work of the Ministry. You will be taught about tithes and offering and other ministry participation.

The Gifts
In this class, the Membership team will discuss with you where you would like to serve in the Ministry. This class may be taught separately from the previous classes. Prior to this class, you may be asked to complete a gifts survey and attend a Gifts workshop. There is a 6 month waiting period for any leadership role, so the team member will review the various avenues of Ministry available for your participation. They will discuss opportunities for service in PCM and provide you with contact information for Ministry Leaders. Please be advised that anyone appointed to a Leadership role must go through the Leadership Class and abide by the Leadership Manual.
Ready to join PCM or have questions?
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